Circle of Death
Con la definizione "Circle of Death" ci si riferisce alla tappa più faticosa del Tour de France, attraverso i Pirenei.
E' il momento in cui tutte le speranze di vittoria possono irrimediabilmente sfumare.
Questo percorso brutale con oltre 4900mt di dislivello, comprende il Col de Peyresourde (1,569m), Col d'Aspin (1,489m), Col du Tourmalet (2,115m) e Col d'Aubisque (1,709m). Il percorso è quasi lo stesso della decima tappa del Tour del 1910, quando i Pirenei vennero introdotti nel Tour de France. Il Cerchio della Morte ha visto le speranze di molti campioni "morire", sgretolate sulla stratta striscia d'asfalto che porta al traguardo.
Il pacchetto comprende 3 Video:
- Col d'Aspin and Col de Peyresourde
- Col du Tourmalet (East side) par Campan including Luz Ardiden
- Col d'Aubisque from Argeles Gazost
By definition the “Circle of Death” is the hardest Tour de France stage in the Pyrenees Mountains . It is a place where hopes for the overall victory die.
This brutal route with over 4900mt of climbing which includes the Col de Peyresourde (1,569m), Col d’Aspin (1,489m), Col du Tourmalet (2,115m) and Col d’Aubisque (1,709m) is nearly the same route as stage ten in 1910 when the the Pyrenees were first introduced into the Tour de France. The Circle of Death has seen many Tour contender's hopes die, and if there was any chance for a podium finish for Cadel, that has now also vanished.
This packe has 3 Videos:
- Col d'Aspin and Col de Peyresourde
- Col du Tourmalet (East side) par Campan including Luz Ardiden
- Col d'Aubisque from Argeles Gazost
Year | Video | Nation | Km | Gain | Slope | Price | Resolution |
2016 | Col d'Aspin and Col de Peyresourde | France | 60 | 1730 | 11% | € 26 | 1920x1080 |
2016 | Col du Tourmalet (East) | France | 52 | 2165 | 12% | € 29 | 1920x1080 |
2016 | Col d'Aubisque from Argeles Gazost | France | 60 | 1400 | 12% | € 29 | 1920x1080 |
- DVD Version: Prezzo/Price: 84 70 Euro
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